
Friday, July 31, 2009

Thing 2

Here is my Wordsift, I like Wordle best, but wordsift's highlighting academic words feature is cool too!
category clay cleans compact cosmetic course destination enjoy etsy etsy…one fabulous favorite find found hopeis… like look love makeup mask need online perfect product pursereason relax routine sensitive shopping skin spend thursday time treat vegan vintage whatever

I think Voki would help a nervous student do a great job in a presentation!

Bookr is so amazing. I found this great book on tide pools, and thought how wonderful it would be for students to create their own books on biomes, their school, their community.... endless possibilities.

I love Glogster and have used it to create quick and fun webpages for teachers and kids. If you embed it into a webpage a user goes to your site instead of glogster.

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